Are the goats to clever or are the fences non functional? Well let’s look at each fence and it’s functionality:

  1. Timber stays are not a good choice and angle stays per say aren’t a good choice unless they can be placed on the side of a fence that will not contain goats, else it’s better to use box stays since the goats will not be able to walk up the cross wire. If angle stays are to be used they should be metal pipes and installed on the outside of the fence.
  2. Obviously non functional because the fence is to low for the bread of goat it’s supposed to contain.
  3. 4 and 5 fences have the same problem, not enough tension on the mesh. Mesh fencing needs to be installed with enough tension to ensure when a goat stands up against the fence it stays 100% vertical and this will stop any climbing!

I found all of the above images on the Internet.